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ABLS is an organization devoted to the scientific study of all aspects of the biology of bryophytes and lichen-forming fungi and is one of the nation's oldest botanical organizations.

The study of lichens and bryophytes invites us to pause, to slow down, and to take a closer look at the world around us. We invite you to detach momentarily from the business of your daily lives, and to wonder at the beauty, diversity and resilience of these life forms. Larger, louder, or more charismatic organisms may seek our attention, but lichens and bryophytes remind us to notice and celebrate the little things. 


The mission of the American Bryological and Lichenological Society is to promote and support the research, understanding and conservation of bryophytes and lichens. We are resolutely committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all who are interested in learning more about these cryptic and often overlooked organisms.

For membership renewals and journal access, click HERE.

Attention Students:

It's that time of year again - time to apply for the 

Field Research Awards!

There are two award opportunities:

Culberson & Hale Lichenology Research

Anderson & Crum Bryology Research

Applications are DUE March 3rd 2025




ABLS will meet with the Botanical Society of America for Botany 2025

July 25-31, 2025

Palm Springs Convention Center

& connected Renaissance Hotel

Palm Springs, CA

More information can be found here.

An updated link to the conference website will be posted soon.



Congratulations to our 2024 Award Winners!!

  • 2024 Student Field Research Awards

Anderson & Crum Bryology: Luis Hurtado and Skadi Kylander

Culberson & Hale Lichenology: Carly Russell and Danielle Ward


  • Journal Awards

Sullivant Award Bryology: A. Jonathan Shaw, Marta Nieto-Lugilde, Blanka Aguero, Aaron Duffy, Bryan T. Piatkowski, Juan Jaramillo-Chico, Sean Robinson, Kristian Hassel, Kjell Ivar Flatberg, David J. Weston, Scott Schuette and Karen A. Hicks. Sphagnum diabolicum sp. nov. and S. magniae sp. nov.; morphological variation and taxonomy of the “S. magellanicum complex”. The Bryologist 126(1): 69–89.


Tuckermann Award Lichenology: Joseph R. Di Meglio and Trevor Goward. Resolving the Sticta fuliginosa morphodeme (Lichenized Ascomycota: Peltigeraceae) in northwestern North America. The Bryologist 126(1): 90–110.


  • A. J. Sharp Award for Best Student Presentation at the Conference in Lichenology or Bryology: Zoe Ryan. 
    All of the student presentations were fantastic - congratulations to all.




There are multiple funding opportunities for students through ABLS!

Research Awards:

Culberson & Hale Lichenology Field Award ($1000)

Anderson & Crum Bryology Field Award ($1000)

For more information, see our grants page.


Conference Travel Awards:

The Lichen & Bryophyte Section of BSA offers student travel awards of $500. Students must be members of BSA and presenting at the conference to be eligible. Awards are selected via lottery.


The American Bryological and Lichenological Society also offers student travel awards to attend the annual meeting. Students must be members of ABLS to be eligible. Once registered for the meeting, students should contact the ABLS Treasurer to apply.



Check out our new Lichen videos!!

We have a new link under the "Lichenology" tab called Videos! Learn how to perform chemical spot tests on lichens in our latest channel.

If you are interested in contributing/sharing lichen or bryophyte videos, please contact the Webmaster.






Lichenology is the study of symbiotic associations between primarily an alga (or cyanobacterium) and a filamentous fungus.

Bryoandersonia illecebra.JPG

Bryology is the study of nonvascular plants including mosses, liverworts and hornworts.

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